Software needs to be approved, for usage on various Onlinecontest systems.
This makes sure, that Enduser Software is compatible to Online Scoring systems around the planet and makes sure that flight tracks cannot be manipulated afterwards. The CIVL Approval means here, an IGC file is within the specification. There are no rights, to get approval for every software.
Any kind of listed Software or Hardware here is "Subject to the approval of the National contest".
Also, in terms of centralized Cat-1 or Cat-2 events, any kind of listed Software here is "subject to local event rules". There exist no rights to complain against National XC Contests or Local Event Rules, based on this Software list.
Further it is important to understand that software G-record generation is not 100% secure. Practically, the software generated G-records can dissuade casual tampering but cannot prevent a technically competent attacker.
Some Frequently asked Questions from Developers and Pilots
Developer: How to get an official FAI IGC Approval ?
The official FAI/IGC process is different, please check the FAI/IGC documents section to get more information:
IGC-approved Flight Recorders
Position Recorders
GNSS Recording devices
Developer: How to get my Software to this list ?
There are 2 different ways.
A) in case you have the plan to build your own hardware vario/logger, an so called GNSS flight recorder, just please proceed with an official FAI/IGC approval (links above) for your logger. When this process is done, just sent us your Win32 (PE32) command line executable, together with an sample IGC file for implementation here.
B) in case you are not a Hardware manufacture to build a new GNSS flight recorder, but you have developed a nice software for Windows/McOS/Linux/Androis and so on, to simply download data from an existing Garmin or other loggers, you need to apply here for an 3-letter code first, then simple sent your software, sample IGC files and again the vali.exe.
Choose an 3-letter code, starting with an X... and which is not in the list above. This unique 3letter code of your choice is assigned to each software (used within the A-Record and L-Record).
In some situations the hardware is required as well.
But before everybody like to have "his own" software be reinventing the wheel, please consider to let implement your logger into GpsDump and MaxPunkte.
Developer: Can I advertise my software using the FAI branding/logo ?
From FAI/CIVL point of view, no. You should not use any kind of FAI branding (logo) inside of your software application.
If you want to read the official branding web styleguide check out this link:
In case FAI/CIVL decide to host and maintain their own software (for example like, only such software might have this branding.
Developer: Can I develop another validation program, not an commandline win32 excutable ?
Lets say, I have something already in Java or using Visual Basic, Delphi Runtime and others.
The answer is, unfortunately not possible.
On CIVL we can only accept a PE32 commandline executable program for validation, which should not depend on any type of a dynamic library (DLL) to load, and should not depend on any type of external runtime. Also the vali binary should never display any Windows popup message to click.
If your vali exe binary depends for example on a Visual C++ runtime library, or on openssl libraries, you need to static link them (compiler settings).
Developer: Do I have legal rights to force FAI or CIVL to put my business or my logger advertised here on this list ?
Unfortunately no. There are no rights, to get approval for every software, or to list your products here.
The page here is community driven, volunteer work only. In case we don't need it, then we may not implement it.
Please be aware that you have also no rights to get an answer or implementation within a specific time.
If it takes weeks or month, there exist a reason why a volunteer can not work for free for you.
Any duplicating tickets for asking again and again at the same topic, will be cancelled without further notice.
Trying going around the ticket system, for example by sending emails, will be ignored without further response.
Also it would be very helpful to see a relevant number of pilots, who will use your product. For sure we try to prevent the
situation that every pilot with some coding skills will get -his own- logger software implemented. ;-)
We measure the usage of the software and loggers used, at the FAI WXC nightly sync.
Developer: Some comments on Open source.
If you consider to generate open source project, think about the type of open source license before publishing.
GPL might not be the best choice as it disallow your code to be included within other nice projects when they are not licensed the same way.
There are many other valid open source licenses (for example CDDL) which allow mixed licensing, even closed source parts.
National contests might easy able disallow your Opensource software. In result pilots flight might not scored at WXC as well.
You may ask yourself, what happen if my key to encrypt is public available as Open Source ?
The answer on this is easy. You as a developer, made a wrong decision.
GPL or CDDL doesn't mean, you have to publish your own used keys or passwords.
You will simply still GPL the code, but simply obfuscate the key itself on the public repository.
You may just write a README, how to use and compile the code, which will include
the step to create a new private key.
Developer: What about when I need to change the internal security key and algorithm ?.
This depends on your own Software 'live time' cycle. As long as you will support the old software with old encryption
you will develop a vali exe which can validate both keys, old and new.
As soon as your old Software is End-Of-Live, you will compile a vali exe which will further only validate latest igc files.
Developer: Which Records of a IGC file needs to be part of the G-Record signature, for my Software (not an GNSS FR)?.
In a nutshell, you will cover all Records, eg. A,H,C,B by the security code and the VALI check system.
Only (according to IGC specification), L-Records can be (not must be) secured, if the data is created by same software (or FR).
So it is up to you (as a developer) if you want to secure your own created LXXX records or not (XXX represents your own 3-letter code)
Be aware, 3rd party L-Records are allowed to be added any time afterwards and will not cause a VALI fail.
See (IGC FR spec A4.5)
Developer: According to IGC FR spec, only H-Record data with source code F must be covered by the security code and the VALI check system.
I will write a software who will write HO header records, because the data like takeoff, glider, name is filled after the flight at the PC.
Can I do this, and I'm allowed to not secure such HO header records (see FR spec A3.2.1, A3.2.5)?.
Our situation at WXC/CIVL is different to the original IGC spec for Flight Recorders (Hardware devices, securing data interally).
Since on WXC and CIVL we do not require (yet) such IGC approved FR's, but a simple software to dump GPS devices, we follow a different approach.
In a nutshell, you will cover all Records, eg. A,H,C,B by the security code and the VALI check system, regardless if the second letter
"source F" or "source O" is used by your software.
Developer: What about barometric altitude vs. GPS altitude recording at the IGC file, with my Software (eg. Android / iPhone). Do I need to take care of any special needs ?.
Please be aware that only flight recording devices capable of recording both GPS and barometric altitude in the track log are allowed for scoring at a FAI cat1 event.
It must not be possible to modify the barometric altitude once track log recording has started.
If you want to have your software compatible to this as well, please make sure you meet this requirement.
Developer: Which platform is preferred used for testing?.
Since some online contest providers have their own validation implementation, we test everything based on Linux/Wine. Make sure
you use at minimum Wine 1.7.55 or later at your Linux box, as of newer crypto library requirements for some vali binaries.
Developer: What about latest 2015/09 changes on FAI-IGC FlightRecorder spec for the DTE record ? Which one to use now ?
new spec is:
instead of former old IGC spec:
For the first year (after this change at the IGC specification), we recommend to stay with the old HFDTE format, and develop both within your software (as a configuration option).
Now since 2017, we recommend for any new implementation the new HFDTEDATE format, as we believe that the used PC software and online contests should have implemented the new date format in the meantime.
Developer: I'm planing to develop a livetrack server, which signs any position data received within my internet server. Is it possible to approve such G-Record?.
Current we have no further plans to approve so called server side signing software, as this is much too easy to sent any kind of data to such an (open) web service, to get this data signed.
Developer: What is the general future for signing recored position data?.
It's hard to say, what the future bring to us. But definitive we can say that signing position data for badge flights, records and NAC driven FAI competitions outside from a hardware device (flight recorder) might be not a good idea for ever, and can be tweaked too easy.
During a centralized FAI cat1 or cat2 competition there exist a official observer, a person who can make sure to collect the loggers soon after landing. So tamper data is not so easy, and we can trust the observers.
Uncontrolled systems, such as any Pilot Home PC, Smartphone and Livetrack boxes are difficult to trust them on the same level like a signed track with a hardware device.
So we are happy with any Hardware manufacturer how create a new logger device, and sign the position data direct at the device.
For now, regardless if the planned approval level is an official IGC flight recorder or not.
Hardware Manufacturer: How to make sure that my Hardware Logger or Software is approved by any FAI Cat-1 or FAI-Cat2 competition, and used by any other Online Contest ?
This service here and the list above will not influence local competition rules of any type of National Contest. Even not for Continental or World Championships. It is always on behalf of an local organizer to allow or disallow certain Software and Hardware used by given local rules. The list above gives no guarantee for any development (Hard- or Software) that this will be used by all other Contests, or will be allowed for National Badge and Record flights.
Hardware Manufacturer: How can I make sure that my logger might be possibly accepted by most National Contests ?
This is easy. Just make sure your Logger can be read by GpsDump, using an existing implemented protocol, or ask the Developer from GpsDump to implement your logger.
GpsDump and FsDump is used by FS, an Competition Scoring Software ( This Scoring Software is used by most competitions. If your logger can be dumped by GpsDump, your logger is automatically usable for any type of competition, even online contests.
In case you do not have the plan for an FAI/IGC GNSS Logger approval, let implement your Logger into GpsDump and MaxPunkte Software is the best way to have your logger compatible for most situations, not just here.
Hardware Manufacturer: Do you approve Hardware GNSS Loggers for Paragliding, similar like IGC will do it for FAI/IGC ?
No, we do not test and approve hardware GPS loggers. We check only the "vali.exe" software and the software who will "dump" an existing GPS logger for HG/PG compliance.
Any hardware logger approval request should go to FAI/IGC (see links on top of this page), the International Gliding Commission of FAI.
However one important note: As Hardware Manufacturer or Developer you still need to follow the IGC Technical Specification for GNSS flight recorders, regardless if you ask the IGC for an approval or not.
If you do not apply for an official IGC FR approval, no problem. You simply need to declare and publish (on your web page) which "approval level" of IGC FR you have implemented with your hardware.
There are three IGC-approval levels for Flight Recorders (see Annex B to the Sporting Code for Gliding (SC3B), para 4.1.1. Briefly these are (1) All Flights (including World Records); (2) All IGC Badge and Distance Diploma Flights (excluding Records); and (3) Badge flights up to and including Diamonds. (more details see FAI/IGC web)
Pilot: Why some Software is not at this list or is disabled ?
Maybe due to missing contact to the developer, or if seen that a Software is not longer used by the pilots over years or other circumstances, or it is out of scope from the developer point of view to be on this list ...
Pilot: What about LK8000 igc tracks and the LK8000 IGC Plugin ?
LK8000 development changed the Signature to a special IGC Plugin version some years before.
Since technically only exactly one vali-xlk.exe file name can exist at the file system, for many years only the IGC plugin version could be validated.
Now the LK8000 team contact us and declared the IGC plugin version as deprecated (24-FEB-2016).
This actual provided vali-xlk.exe can now validate all signatures, created by LK8000 software (old and new).
For more details and questions see LK8000 webpage, or contact the LK8000 team.
Pilot: What happen, if my IGC file is invalid due to another Software or an old encryption used ?
Any kind of not listed Software or Hardware here, which may mark IGC files on a National Server as valid, but is not known to us or not possible to implement, will cause invalid IGC flights on WXC level (and possible other connected contests).
Such these flights will not tweaked manually on any contest to undermine the automatic validation process.
Pilot: What happen if my IGC file is invalid but I'm sure using the correct software ?
Please contact the developer of the Software (or Hardware Logger) to check your IGC Track to help you.
Pilot: I have found a nice logger or a nice software. Can I request to implement it please ?
Unfortunately not. Any Software request must be submitted by the developer, not by the enduser (pilot).
Also Hardware GNSS Logger approvals are going to IGC and not to the CIVL.
Pilot: How to delete a flight on WXC ?
You have to delete a flight on your "Home Online Contest".
- If you are a German pilot, then you will delete the flight on
- If you are a French pilot, you will delete the flight on
- If you are a pilot from Poland, you will delete a flight on
... and so on.
If you need help on deleting a flight, you need to ask your National Administrator,
for your "Home Online Contest".
The next nightly sync, will automatically notify the WXC ( to delete the flight.
In most cases, a flight can only be deleted by a pilot within allowed claim time, according to National Contest rules. In these cases only the National Administrator of your "Home Contest" can delete a flight.
In general a flight can only be deleted (or added, or modified) within same season.
After season has ended, and final results are published, there will be usual no more modifications made on the results.
Pilot: I see now that some of my flights from previous season are not listed at WXC, what can I do ?
Unfortunately when the season and protest time is over, the issue will not be investigated for old flights. Sorry.
If a flight is not synced to WXC (missing) you should ask your national Administrator first, at least within 14days after the flight.
The flight sync to WXC is running daily.
In most of the times, the missing flight on WXC side is caused by the flight is locked on your National Contest, and not permitted to sync to WXC.
This is also the reason why you need to check the issue on National Server (database) first, with your National Administrator.
Your National Administrator can re-initate the sync any time by setting the LastTimestamp accordingly, but only for a active season.
General Question: I like to know: How this validation server works? Just to be able to implement it within my own projects. Is it OpenSource?
The API of the OpenValidation Server you will find within "Web Service" menu on left side.
The Validation Server itself is OpenSource. You can download the source code from GitHub. There exist 2 Versions, Vali3 and Vali2. Please read the differences about, at GitHub project readme.
For Competition scorers (without internet access at HQ) we have also a offline Validation Tool (IGCcheck) at GitHub. You can download IGCCheck to your PC, before traveling to the competition.
With IGCCheck you can mass- validate many IGC files from a IGC task folder, eg. when using FS Software (
General Question: When I'm testing some IGC files, I will get the error message like "XXX - not supported". Or when using the API, I will get
a response like "ERR_UNSUPPORTED". What does it mean ? Can I do anything to get my files validated ?
The error message means, that there exist no validation for this type of IGC file or logger you use. (even if this is a approved IGC FAI flight recorder).
This happen, when the manufacturer or the developer of the software or flight recorder did not contacted us (yet) to ask for implementation here on this system.
As a pilot you can probably do nothing, other then ask the Support of your logger or software, show him this web page here and recommend to him to go into contact with us.
Once the developer or manufacturer follow the requirements for server side validation impementation (draft spec), then we can (not must) implement it.
Any pilots request for implementation will be rejected. We require a continously contact with the developer side.
In any case the software or flight recorder is end-of-life and the company or developer do not exist anymore, such these IGC files will be probably never (or not longer) validated here on this system.
Most common Pilot XContest Question
My flights are visible at XContest but not seen at FAI WXC.
Possible Reasons:
A) You have submitted your flights at XContest International.
These flights will not sent by XContest Server to WXC.
A National Contest (and Administrator behind) is required.
Solution: Submit your flights at a National Contest, who will sent the Flights to the WXC Server.
Please contact XContest team for further details, and your National Administrator.
Or Contact your National Aeroclub, if your Country do not have a National CrossCountry Contest.
B) You have submitted your flights at XContest International,
but you are a Pilot, with a Official National XC Championship.
These flights will not sent by XContest Server to WXC.
Solution: Search for your Home Contest, and contact the
National Administrator of your Home Country.
C) Your Nation at XContest Server officially attend WXC sync,
but some (not all) flights missing at WXC. (But all of them are scored at XContest).
Cause: These flights (you miss) will not sent by XContest Server
to WXC. These flights are marked at XContest side as "deleted",
so we do not receive them. (yes, even if they are still visible
at XContest side).
This might be happen automatically due to airspace problems,
or a decision of your National Admin.
Or another issue is, even if you have a "National XContest", depending on your rules
these flights are not sent by XContest to WXC, because they are submitted to "XContest International".
Solution: Contact your National Administrator to get this issue
solved. Soon when the "international delete" flag is removed
from your flight, next nightly sync should sent the flight to WXC.
D) Your Pilot Name does not match with the Pilot Name (and Nationality)
from the CIVL Database.
Solution: Make sure the CIVLID is correct at your Pilot Profile within XContest,
and Nationality must be correct, and the Pilot Name is exact spelled and the same
within CIVL Database and XContest.
E) You do not have a National Contest at all, but just submitted flights to XContest International.
These flights will not sent by XContest Server to WXC.
Solution: Go to the WXC main page and look for another International Server
who will transfer international flights to WXC (Paragliding Forum, XCglobe as a example), and contact the
National Aeroclub of your Home Country. They should setup a Cross Country Contest (if they want), to get the contest linked to WXC.
Please be aware, any flight content sync from XContest to WXC is
fully managed by XContest side (and your National Administrator).
What the WXC Server will not receive (not sent by XContest) - it will not be displayed.
Technically the nightly Synchronization is triggered by "last change and timestamp"
on a flight (within the XContest Database) and can be easy re-initiated any time at XContest side.
Please be aware, we do not sync flights when the season is over (for seasons in the past).
For any further help, contact your National Administrator,
within your Home Country.